Methodology for developing CAHPS survey instruments

Methodology for developing CAHPS survey instruments


The methodology for developing survey instruments is a key step in the process of conducting healthcare quality research. In the case of patient experience assessment instruments, one of the most commonly used methods is CAHPS (Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems). In this article, we will discuss the process of creating such CAHPS surveys and present best practices for doing so.

Step 1: Identify survey objectives

In the first stage of developing a CAHPS survey instrument, it is essential to clarify the survey objectives. It is important to define precisely what aspects of health care are to be assessed, what questions are to be asked of patients, and what data are to be collected for analysis. Examples of objectives might include assessing the availability of services, patient satisfaction or the quality of communication between patients and medical staff.

Step 2: Identify dimensions and questions

Once the survey objectives have been defined, it is necessary to identify the relevant dimensions and questions that will be measured by the survey. Within CAHPS, there is a set of standard dimensions that should be included in all surveys, such as doctor-patient communication, access to care, health care organization, etc. It is also important to select additional questions specific to the medical institution to explore the local context.

Step 3: Prepare the question and response scale

Next, it is necessary to prepare the questions themselves and the corresponding response scales. Questions should be clear, understandable and unbiased. It is important to avoid hints or comments that could influence patients' answers. What's more, the response scales need to be properly balanced so that results can be compared between different medical institutions. Popular scales include options from very good to very bad or always to never.

Step 4: Testing and customization

An important step in developing a CAHPS survey instrument is to conduct pilot testing. We should include a variety of patients in the tests to ensure that the questions are understood and that the response scale can be applied correctly. In addition, we should also collect feedback from medical staff to see if the questions and response scale reflect patients' actual experiences.

Step 5: Implementation and data collection

After testing and making any adjustments, the next step is to implement and collect data using the developed CAHPS survey instrument. It is important to use different communication channels, such as online, telephone or written surveys, to achieve a greater representation of patients and to obtain more diverse data. For online surveys, it is advisable to send reminders and incentives to those who have not yet completed the form.

Step 6: Data analysis and interpretation

The collected survey data can then be statistically analyzed to obtain results. It is worthwhile to use methods of analysis that measure not only average values, but also the variability of responses and the relationship between different variables. Finally, the results of the surveys can be interpreted using data visualization tools such as bar charts or pie charts to provide a simple representation of patient responses for different dimensions.

Step 7: Reporting the results

The final step in the development of the CAHPS survey instrument is the preparation of a report that includes the results of the analysis and the interpretation of those results. The report should be readable and contain relevant conclusions and recommendations to improve the quality of healthcare services. It is also recommended that the report be made available to both medical personnel and patients to emphasize the importance of their input into the survey.


The development of CAHPS survey instruments requires a thoughtful approach and consideration of many factors to ensure reliable and valuable results. The process includes defining objectives, selecting the right questions and response scales, testing, implementation, data analysis and reporting results. With properly designed and conducted CAHPS surveys, medical institutions will have valuable information on patient satisfaction and service quality, allowing them to make appropriate improvements in healthcare.


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